Samuel Johnson Quotes about Food

Cucumber should be well sliced, dressed with pepper and vinegar, and then thrown out.
A man seldom thinks with more earnestness of anything than he does of his dinner.
One of the disadvantages of wine is that it makes a man mistake words for thoughts.
Abstinence is as easy to me as temperance would be difficult.
He who does not mind his belly, will hardly mind anything else.
Oats. A grain, which in England is generally given to horses, but in Scotland supports the people.
Before dinner men meet with great inequality of understanding.
Claret is the liquor for boys; port for men; but he who aspires to be a hero must drink brandy.
This was a good dinner enough, to be sure, but it was not a dinner to ask a man to.
It is as bad as bad can be: it is ill-fed, ill-killed, ill-kept, and ill-drest.