
Sean Stephenson Quotes

If you have a heartbeat, there's still time for your dreams.

If you have a heartbeat, there's still time for your dreams.

FaceBook post by Sean Stephenson from Jun 06, 2011

Choose the words you say to yourself wisely; they are creating your reality.

Sean Stephenson (2009). “Get Off Your "But": How to End Self-Sabotage and Stand Up for Yourself”, p.62, John Wiley and Sons

Pain is inevitable, it eventually touches us all. Suffering is optional.

Sean Stephenson (2009). “Get Off Your "But": How to End Self-Sabotage and Stand Up for Yourself”, p.19, John Wiley and Sons

Communication is merely an exchange of information, but connection is an exchange of our humanity.

Sean Stephenson (2009). “Get Off Your "But": How to End Self-Sabotage and Stand Up for Yourself”, p.34, John Wiley and Sons

Fears are a complete waste of your time. Nine times out of ten, whatever you're afraid of is not dangerous or life threatening. In fact, it's probably not even real.

Sean Stephenson (2009). “Get Off Your "But": How to End Self-Sabotage and Stand Up for Yourself”, p.66, John Wiley and Sons

Until you take ownership for your life, you will always be chasing happiness.

Sean Stephenson (2009). “Get Off Your "But": How to End Self-Sabotage and Stand Up for Yourself”, p.141, John Wiley and Sons

I truly believe that our major social ills would disappear if we just spent our lives perfecting the art of connecting with each other.

Sean Stephenson (2009). “Get Off Your "But": How to End Self-Sabotage and Stand Up for Yourself”, p.35, John Wiley and Sons

Psychical confidence is the external expression of our internal state of confidence. In simpler terms, it is how confidence looks and sounds.

Sean Stephenson (2009). “Get Off Your "But": How to End Self-Sabotage and Stand Up for Yourself”, p.79, John Wiley and Sons