For someone who wears makeup so much all the time, it's really important to take it off and give your skin some time to breath.
Pore strips, definitely, they are my go-to especially with all the makeup that I wear. I've always been fascinated with what comes out of your pores after you take them off. Who hasn't? It's so fun to take it off and try and find the little guys.
Honestly, I think I'm really good at taking off makeup. I cannot fall asleep with my makeup on. And I have makeup wipes beside my bed and all of that so there's like no excuse. I think that's extremely important.
I would never feel comfortable doing my own makeup for a party or a big event, that's for sure. I'm really good at doing it to go to the grocery store.
Honestly, I think it's about always making sure to cleanse your skin every single night. I never go to bed with my makeup on. That is a major key. There's nothing worse than waking up in the morning and all of your makeup has soaked into your pores.