Sri Aurobindo Quotes - Page 8

The Gita is the greatest gospel of spiritual works ever yet given to the race.
Sri Aurobindo, Aurobindo Ghose (1992). “Wisdom of the Gita: Second Series”, p.102, Lotus Press
Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education (Pondicherry, India), Aurobindo Ghose (1996). “Bulletin”
Sri Aurobindo (2016). “Karmayogin”, p.14,
Sri Aurobindo (1995). “Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol”, p.63, Lotus Press
"Bhawani Mandir (1905)". "India's Rebirth : A Selection from Sri Aurobindo's Writings, Talks and Speeches", 3rd edition. Book by Sri Aurobindo, 2000.
Death is but changing of our robes to wait in wedding garments at the Eternal's gate.
Sri Aurobindo (1994). “Gems from Sri Aurobindo, 2nd Series”, p.39, Lotus Press
Sri Aurobindo (1995). “Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol”, p.513, Lotus Press
"A Defense of Indian Culture". Essay by Sri Aurobindo, as quoted in Sisirkumar Mitra "The Vision of India", 1947.
"Rewriting Indian History". Book by François Gautier, p. 158, 2003.
Aurobindo Ghose, Sri Aurobindo (1989). “The Supramental Manifestation, and Other Writings”, Lotus Press (WI)
Sri Aurobindo (2016). “Savitri: Sri Aurobindo”, p.971,
Sri Aurobindo (1995). “The Mother”, p.8, Lotus Press
"New Lamps for Old". Nine articles by Sri Aurobindo in the "Indu Prakash" (a Bombay daily newspaper), August 28, 1893.
"The Foundations of Indian Culture". Book by Sri Aurobindo, 1953.
Sri Aurobindo (2016). “The Life Divine: Art of living”, p.9,
Sri Aurobindo (2016). “The Life Divine: Art of living”, p.56,