
Stanislaw Ulam Quotes about Mathematics

All Stanislaw Ulam Quotes Mathematics quotes
Do not lose your faith. A mighty fortress is our mathematics. Mathematics will rise to the challenge, as it always has.

Do not lose your faith. A mighty fortress is our mathematics. Mathematics will rise to the challenge, as it always has.

"The Dreams of Reason: The Computer and the Rise of the Sciences of Complexity". Book by Heinz Pagels. Chapter 3, p. 94, 1988.

What exactly is mathematics? Many have tried but nobody has really succeeded in defining mathematics; it is always something else.

"Adventures of a Mathematician". Book by Stanislaw Ulam, 3rd edition. Chapter 15: "Random Reflections on Mathematics and Science", p. 273-274, 1991.

It was not so much that I was doing mathematics, but rather that mathematics had taken possession of me.

"Adventures of a Mathematician" by Stanislaw Ulam, Third Edition, (p. 52), 1991.