Stephen Gardiner Quotes

It was only from an inner calm that man was able to discover and shape calm surroundings.
It is thought that the changeover from hunter to farmer was a slow, gradual process.
The further forward we go, the further back we have to explore in order to go forward again.
Georgian architecture respected the scale of both the individual and the community.
The Romans used every housing form known today and they have a remarkably modern look.
The mandala describes balance. This is so whatever the pictorial form.
The chief concern of the French Impressionists was the discovery of balance between light and dark.
Houses mean a creation, something new, a shelter freed from the idea of a cave.
The largest and most influential houses chiefly demonstrate the aloofness of the French approach.
Until we perceive the meaning of our past, we remain the mere carriers of ideas, like the Nomads.