
Steve Carell Quotes

Nothing to me feels as good as laughing incredibly hard.

"Steve Carell Braves His 'Office' Job" by The Associated Press, March 25, 2005.

The better the person you're with, the better you're going to be because they're giving you so much more.

"Steve Carell Interview DESPICABLE ME". Interview with Christina Radish, July 5, 2010.

The ability to compromise and having the ability to laugh at ourselves is huge and works well for me.

"Steve Carell On Anchorman 2". Interview with Elysha Krupp, April 29, 2014.

Children are very smart, in their own stupid way. A child's brain is like a sponge, and you know how smart sponges are.

"Steve Carell on How to Act Brilliant". Interview with Nancy Miller, April 21, 2008.

I ate fiberglass insulation. It wasn’t cotton candy like the guy said… my tummy itches.

"Fictional character: Brick Tamland". "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy", 2004.

Do not to be as shy around girls, because they're probably just as shy and just as scared as you are.

"How Steve Carell Spent His Summer Vacation". Interview with Amanda Mae Meyncke, July 2, 2013.

Is it true that if you don’t USE it you LOSE it?

"Fictional character: Andy". "The 40-Year-Old Virgin", 2005.