Ask any guy if sex is important in a relationship and the one who says no is lying. I just haven't met that guy yet. When you meet him, let's get him in to the Smithsonian - he's that special and rare.
If you don't have a base - you can't not have a spiritual base and survive. That's probably what has kept me out of the tabloids. Then I go home, I've got a family, and I keep my wife in front of my head.
I know how men think when they're not responding to questions in a clinical study.
TV is a different animal. I belong on that little screen. The big silver screen, not so much, 'cause I've seen my face up close when it's 25-feet tall. I'm okay as long as you keep me in that little box.
But even in my darkest days I had faith it would turn around.
God does things for us because He trusts us; that when He gives it to us, that we will do the right thing. We'll open up our eyes and see the plan He has for us. If we're not going to open up our eyes, don't worry - you're not going to have it long. You're short-lived.
I found that the best way to go about [ Black men ] is to produce better men. And I think if we get them at a younger age, and start teaching these young brothers the principles of manhood: That real men go to work everyday; Real men honor God; Real men respect and adore women - that's what real men do.
I don't let nobody sign for my money. Me and my wife write our own checks. So, if there's some money missing, we know how it got missing.
My mother raised me in the church. I was not allowed to stay home on Sunday; there was no option. I sang in the choir all the way up until I went to college.
I'd have to say I'm most proud of my mentoring camp that I do in Dallas every year for one hundred boys from single-parent homes. I was raised by a mother who was a Sunday school teacher and a father who worked hard. Together they taught me to give back.
If he hasn't lined up the who he is, the what he does, and the how much he makes in the way that he sees fit, he can't possibly be to you what he wants to be.
If you're a generous person, when you get money and fame, you're going to be more generous. If you're a sharer, you're going to be more sharing. If you're a coward, you're just going to be a bigger coward. That's all money and fame does.
I've always been this way. My father taught this to me. Here's the thing, you have to understand; the thing about having money: Money and fame don't change you, all it does is allow you to be more of who you are anyway.
The mentoring program [of the Steve Harvey foundation] is to teach young boys the principles of manhood.
If you'd asked me then if I saw how big "The Steve Harvey Morning Show" was going to be, I couldn't tell you. But I knew I could reach people not as a character but as Steve Harvey, because although I tell jokes for a living, I've also lived, and I think I can relate to you more than you know.
Men respect standards- get some!
To be No. 1 on the 'New York Times' best-seller list, well, that's alarming. Having been a stand-up comedian, I think it's surprising to a lot of people that I had the insight I had.
I just believe if you don't believe in God, then where is your moral barometer? That's just me talking. You can believe what you want to believe.
You've got to be in a bad relationship to really understand what a great one is.
Men and women really do want the same things. We just need each other to bring it out. That's really the truth of the matter.
If you ain't nothing when you get money and fame, you're just going to be more nothing. If you don't stand for nothing, when you get money and fame, you ain't suddenly fin to stand for nothing! You're just fin to be richer and more famous - standing for nothing!
When people think you are speaking against them as a group, they try to shut it down out here.
I'm still very much a Christian and have a great relationship with God. I love Him, but one of my flaws is that I cuss.
You can tell me anything you want to about investment, but you can't move no money of mine, so I know where all of mine is. Now, if we ain't got a lot, it's our fault.
My mother was a Sunday school teacher. So I am a byproduct of prayer. My mom just kept on praying for her son.