Make the drummer sound good.
Saxophone is one thing, and music is another.
The saxophone is a very interesting machine, but I'm more interested in music.
To me, there is spirit in a reed. It's a living thing, a weed, really, and it does contain spirit of a sort. It's really an ancient vibration.
What I learned with Cecil Taylor was strategy and survival and how to resist temptations and resist getting discouraged.
I've performed solo for 20 years now, but I don't do much of it, because if you only play alone, you go crazy and out of tune and play foolish music.
Kenny G, I have to be grateful to him for proving that the instrument can be played all different kinds of ways.
I wanted to be a pianist but it just wasn't my thing. I guess I wanted to stand up rather than sit down.
You must have the music to justify an instrument's extensive use.
I've been working on the soprano saxophone for 40 years, and the possibilities are astounding. It's up to you, the only limit is the imagination.
A young pianist & composer who has demonstrated an exceptional creativity, in both his playing & his writing, as well as showing us all, his very strong commitment & motivation to aim for high musical goals. Talent like his is rare.
Register is very important. Music sounds best in a certain register.
Nobody was playing the soprano saxophone and certainly nobody was trying to do anything with it. So I was all alone. I didn't know that at first.
I still love the whole history of Jazz. The old things sound better than ever.