
Stewart D. Friedman Quotes

We all want to have a rich and meaningful work life and a fulfilling life beyond work.

We all want to have a rich and meaningful work life and a fulfilling life beyond work.

"Stewart D. Friedman on 'Leading the Life You Want'". Interview with Bob Morris, August 22, 2016.

If you're searching for "work/life balance" you'll always be disappointed because "balance" connotes a zero-sum equation.

"Stewart D. Friedman on 'Leading the Life You Want'". Interview with Bob Morris, August 22, 2016.

"Leading" is about mobilizing people toward valued goals.

"Stewart D. Friedman on 'Leading the Life You Want'". Interview with Bob Morris, August 22, 2016.

People struggle most with seeing new ways of doing things and often need help in breaking through their tradition-bound mindsets.

"Stewart D. Friedman on 'Leading the Life You Want'". Interview with Bob Morris, August 22, 2016.

The worst thing you can do, despite the innumerable obstacles we confront, is to not try.

"Stewart D. Friedman on 'Leading the Life You Want': Part 2 of an interview by Bob Morris". Interview with Bob Morris, August 22, 2016.

Continual improvisation on a theme is a more useful way to think of how to bring the various parts of life together.

"Stewart D. Friedman on 'Leading the Life You Want'". Interview with Bob Morris, August 22, 2016.