Subhash Kak Quotes
"Prajna Sutra". Book by Subhas Kak, 2007.
History is scraps of evidence joined by the glue of imagination.
"The wishing tree". Book by Subhash Kak, 2015.
If the heart sorrows over physical loss, the spirit rejoices over hope of understanding.
"The Loom of Time: On the Recursive Nature of Reality". Book by Subhash Kak, 2016.
Men and women in their mutual attraction are driven to the very emptiness they are trying to avoid.
"Recursionism and Reality". Book by Subhash Kak, 2002.
Subhash Kak (1994). “The astronomical code of the į¹gveda”
Man is a mimic animal, happiest acting a part, needing a mask to tell the truth.
"The Prajna-sutras: Aphorisms of Intuition". Book by Subhash Kak, 2007.
"The Secret Teachings of the Vedas: The Eastern Answers to the Mysteries of Life". Book by Stephen Knapp, 1990.
"The Loom of Time: On the Recursive Nature of Reality". Book by Subhash Kak, 2016.
"The Prajna-sutras: Aphorisms of Intuition". Book by Subhash Kak, 2007.
"The Prajna-sutras: Aphorisms of Intuition". Book by Subhash Kak, 2007.