
Subhash Kak Quotes

When the mind grasps the universe, the senses retreat.

When the mind grasps the universe, the senses retreat.

"The Prajna-sutras: Aphorisms of Intuition". Book by Subhash Kak, 2007.

If the heart sorrows over physical loss, the spirit rejoices over hope of understanding.

"The Loom of Time: On the Recursive Nature of Reality". Book by Subhash Kak, 2016.

Man is a mimic animal, happiest acting a part, needing a mask to tell the truth.

"The Prajna-sutras: Aphorisms of Intuition". Book by Subhash Kak, 2007.

Europe has resurrected its pagan gods.

"The Loom of Time: On the Recursive Nature of Reality". Book by Subhash Kak, 2016.

Gods have many faces.

"The Prajna-sutras: Aphorisms of Intuition". Book by Subhash Kak, 2007.