We are all together in this, we are all together in this single living ecosystem called planet earth.
No creature on Earth ever has organized themselves in ways that we have, with the capacity to alter the nature of nature the way we have.
The Earth is a tiny blue speck in a universe of unfriendly options.
Fortunately, we know more about the problems that we have than in all preceding history. We know now the consequences of the things that we put into the air, into the water - of the way we treat life on Earth.
Most of life on Earth has a deep past, much deeper than ours. And we have benefited from the distillation of all preceding history, call it evolutionary history if you will.
The Earth is a unique system in the universe, the only planet we know of that's hospitable for humankind.
In the past few decades, Earth's natural systems have endured more pressure than in all preceding human history.