
T. D. Jakes Quotes - Page 6

If you're gifted enough, nappy hair, gap teeth, acne face - I don't care what it is, greatness will shine through anything!

"T.D. Jakes Talks: Second Chances, Humble Beginnings & Knowing Your Worth". Interview with Zon D'Amour, September 21, 2016.

Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself

T.D. Jakes (2012). “Before You Do: Making Great Decisions That You Won't Regret”, p.54, Simon and Schuster

Don't get stuck on small. Don't stop dreaming, reaching and enhancing what you have.

"T.D. Jakes Talks: Second Chances, Humble Beginnings & Knowing Your Worth". Interview with Zon D’Amour, September 21, 2016.

Set the goal to harvest what's in you rather than having a car, house or a relationship.

"T.D. Jakes Talks: Second Chances, Humble Beginnings & Knowing Your Worth". Interview with Zon D'Amour, September 21, 2016.

Sometimes we're so busy trying to get things and at the end of the day, all we need is love.

"T.D. Jakes Talks: Second Chances, Humble Beginnings & Knowing Your Worth". Interview with Zon D’Amour, September 21, 2016.