Thomas Paine Quotes - Page 5

Government without a constitution, is a power without a right.
Thomas Paine (1795). “The Rights of Man: For the Benefit of All Mankind”, p.85
Thomas Paine (2013). “The Thomas Paine Reader”, p.551, Simon and Schuster
Thomas Paine (1792). “Rights of Man, Being an Answer to Mr. Burke's Attack on the French Revolution... by T. Paine...”
There is something absurd in supposing a continent to be perpetually governed by an island.
Thomas Paine, Bruce Kuklick (2000). “Paine: Political Writings”, p.23, Cambridge University Press
Thomas Paine (2016). “THE AMERICAN CRISIS – Revolutionary Work Which Inspired the American People to Fight for Their Independence: Including “The Life of Thomas Paine” – Extensive Biography of the Author”, p.623, e-artnow
Thomas Paine (1791). “Rights of Man: Being an Answer to Mr. Burke's Attack on the French Revolution”, p.136
Thomas Paine (2016). “COMMON SENSE (Political Classics Series): Advocating Independence to People in the Thirteen Colonies - Addressed to the Inhabitants of America”, p.34, e-artnow
The cunning of the fox is as murderous as the violence of the wolf.
Thomas Paine, John P. Kaminski (2002). “Citizen Paine: Thomas Paine's Thoughts on Man, Government, Society, and Religion”, p.76, Rowman & Littlefield
Thomas Paine (2011). “Rights of Man”, p.278, Broadview Press
Thomas Paine (1859). “The Theological Works ...: The Most Complete Ed. Ever Pub”, p.204
The Christian system of religion is an outrage on common sense.
Thomas Paine (1830). “The Theological Works of Thomas Paine: To which are Added the Profession of Faith of a Savoyard Vicar”, p.334
Thomas Paine (1819). “The Theological Works of Thomas Paine”, p.4
Thomas Paine “Annotated Common Sense with English Grammar Exercises: by Thomas Paine (Author), Robert Powell (Editor)”, Powell Publications, LLC
Youth is the seed time of good habits, as well in nations as in individuals.
Thomas Paine (1995). “Collected Writings”, p.42, Library of America
Thomas Paine, Bruce Kuklick (2000). “Paine: Political Writings”, p.54, Cambridge University Press
Thomas Paine (2017). “Common Sense & The Rights of Man - The Voice of the American Revolution: Words of a Visionary That Sparked the Revolution and Remained the Core of American Democratic Principles”, p.4, Madison & Adams Press
Thomas Paine (2016). “THE AGE OF REASON - Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology (Including “The Life of Thomas Paine”): Deistic Critique of Bible and Christian Church”, p.51, e-artnow
Thomas Paine (2016). “THE AGE OF REASON - Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology (Including “The Life of Thomas Paine”): Deistic Critique of Bible and Christian Church”, p.582, e-artnow
Thomas Paine (2016). “THOMAS PAINE Ultimate Collection: Political Works, Philosophical Writings, Speeches, Letters & Biography (Including Common Sense, The Rights of Man & The Age of Reason): The American Crisis, The Constitution of 1795, Declaration of Rights, Agrarian Justice, The Republican Proclamation, Anti-Monarchal Essay, Letters to Thomas Jefferson and George Washington…”, p.306, e-artnow
Thomas Paine (1854). “The Works of Thomas Paine: A Hero in the American Revolution. With an Account of His Life ...”, p.260
Thomas Paine (2014). “Selected Writings of Thomas Paine”, p.164, Yale University Press
Thomas Paine (2011). “Thomas Paine on Liberty: Including Common Sense and Other Writings”, p.80, Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.