
Tony Abbott Quotes - Page 6

For small business men and women, less paperwork means higher profits, boosted sales and more time with the family.

"Tony Abbott pledges to make superannuation payments easier for small business". June 03, 2011.

Even potential human life needs to be treated with great respect.

"Insiders" with Barrie Cassidy, August 20, 2006.

Whether carbon dioxide is quite the environmental villain that some people make it out to be is not yet proven.

"This week climate change has dominated the national political agenda [Broadcast]". Cassidy, B., March 20, 2011.

Voluntary paid maternity leave: yes; compulsory paid maternity leave: over this Government’s dead body, frankly. It just won’t happen.

"Big new tax – debate over Abbott's parental leave plan [Transcript]". Uhlmann, C., March 09, 2010.

You cannot win an election without a fight

"Australian opposition dumps its leader over carbon trading bill" by David Adam, December 1, 2009.