
Tony Wilson Quotes

This is Manchester, we do things differently here.

This is Manchester, we do things differently here.

"No strings attached: why the trend for classical 'raves' needs to end" by John Thorp, April 13, 2016.

Every band needs it's own special chemistry. And Bez was a very good chemist.

"Fictional character: Tony Wilson". "24 Hour Party People", 2002.

There is no celebrity quite as powerful as the local, homegrown celebrity.

"'I've been a minor celebrity since I was 23 years old'". Interview with Jessica Hodgson, May 19, 2002.

I've been a minor celebrity since I was 23 years old.

"'I've been a minor celebrity since I was 23 years old'". Interview with Jessica Hodgson, May 19, 2002.