
Tryon Edwards Quotes about Evil

Between two evils, choose neither; between two goods, choose both.

Between two evils, choose neither; between two goods, choose both.

Tryon Edwards (2015). “The New Dictionary of Thoughts”, p.197, Ravenio Books

Preventives of evil are far better than remedies; cheaper and easier of application, and surer in result.

Tryon Edwards (2015). “The New Dictionary of Thoughts”, p.1063, Ravenio Books

He that is possessed with a prejudice is possessed with a devil, and one of the worst kinds of devils, for it shuts out the truth, and often leads to ruinous error.

"A Dictionary of Thoughts: Being a Cyclopedia of Laconic Quotations from the Best Authors of the World, Both Ancient and Modern" by Tryon Edwards, New York, Cassell publishing company, (p. 438), 1891.

We never do evil so thoroughly and heartily as when led to it by an honest but perverted, because mistaken, conscience.

Tryon Edwards (1853). “The World's Laconics: Or, The Best Thoughts of the Best Authors”, p.46