Feminism's latest victory: the right to get your limbs blown off in war. Congratulations.
This is a major step forward in achieving our objective, which is an ally having a democratic Iraq, a country able to sustain itself and defend itself, a country that will be an ally in the war on terror and a country which will set such a powerful example to others in the region.
The war on Christmas. This is the most ridiculous right wing talking point I have ever lived through.The idea is that liberals want to get rid of Christmas.
Honestly, a lot of liberals are foot soldiers in the war on Christmas.
If things do get better in Iraq, I'm saying as someone who thinks the war was a mistake. I'm saying that is cause for us all to have a huge party. It's a big deal if things get better. Because if they don't get better, our country is going to be hurt for generations.
I'm a foot soldier in the war on Christmas. And the war on puppies and sunshine.
Antiwar protestors actually sabotaged and caused a huge amount of damage to military installations and military property during the war. I'm related to someone who caused some of that damage. I mean, it was real. I mean, there was a reason. I'm not defending it, but I'm saying it was not because they didn't like the politics of the protesters. The protesters were violent in a lot of cases.