Before I had my child, I thought I knew all the boundaries of myself, that I understood the limits of my heart. It's extraordinary to have all those limits thrown out, to realize your love is inexhaustible.
There are so many ebbs and flows in life, but when you're raising small children, your family means everything.
As one does with a first child, I found out that my baby could roll by hearing the sound of her body hit the ground at 4 a.m. and obviously, for any new parent, that is the most horrifying thing that could happen, right? You're exhausted and you take your tiny little baby out and you put them on the bed to change diapers before nursing and you turn around and you discover... my baby can roll! And you think you're going to die.
On a fundamental level - I know so many women in their 30s who didn't get married, or they did and it didn't work out, or they didn't have children because they were trying to get their careers going, or because they were expected to be independent, plus have a family. They didn't feel secure enough.
Nobody makes a movie about a woman in her mid-30s who wishes she could have met someone to have children with and still doesn't know where to find a date.
Urban women don't breed in their twenties. Shortly after, I became a mother too, which is why I was probably so child friendly.