You can't be a kid in show business. You will not survive.
I feel like I've been fortunate enough that I've gotten to meet and work with some really passionate people.
It's always great to play parts that are larger than life.
I try not to read the blogs or what people say about me. Because that's what brings everybody down - no matter what you do, you're always going to have haters.
I guess I'm one of those girls who can be too honest about things for my own good, but I expect it back. I expect people to be honest and blunt with me, too.
I love children. They're so much fun and I would have a blast spoiling them.
If there's a spotlight on you, people are going to look for a reason to bring you down.
I just love expanding my horizons and growing as an artist. The only way you get to do that is by doing something that scares you or takes you out of your comfort zone.
I love what I do and I am surrounded by some incredible people.
People are always going to say stuff about you and there are always going to be crazy rumours out there, but as long as you know the truth, you're fine.
I hope by the time I'm 30 to have a husband and maybe a baby.
Do not just look at your boyfriend as just a boyfriend. Look at him as a friend, too.
I'm not the same girl I was five years ago. Hopefully, with the choices I'm making people will start to see that I'm not just little Gabriella.
At a certain age your parents seem like the most embarrassing thing on the whole entire planet, and you want to be nowhere near them. But at the end of the day, you know that you can't literally do anything without them. You love your parents through and through, and they love you probably even more than you could ever imagine until you're a parent yourself.
I like someone who's not afraid to be a kid!
If I'm singing, I'm happy - that's what I've learned about myself.
I try to stay grounded by keeping the people around me as a small group; people who I love and trust. I try to explore and be outside, and I'm a very grateful person so that keeps me grounded. And as much as I do enjoy social media, I try to back off it a bit when I'm out and about.
I don't like being stagnant. I want to continue to grow and just be better at what I do, and the only way to do that is to keep stepping outside of your comfort zone.
If you're always worried about being on your phone, then you really are missing out on everything that's happening in front of you.
I'm becoming more adventurous.
This is going to sound really funny. I have a poster of Zac Efron on my wall! I think every girl has a poster of him in their room so, why not join the club!
If you have paparazzi, you know you've gotten somewhere.
I do always have a wall up. But I feel by doing it, I keep myself safe.
I feel like with comedy, the crazy things that happen are never serious you know? Like, rubble being poured onto you in drama would be something that's absolutely terrible, but in a comedy it's absolutely terrible but so funny.
I just lip gloss! It doesn't matter if it's $2 or $30.