
Vincent Massey Quotes

The great menace of civilization in the present is that we offer an education with too little regard for the roots.

"Speaking Of Canada" by Vincent Massey. Address at the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, March 7, 1953, 1959.

Truth must the guide of those who hold the power; but humility is their sign, the promise that their privileges are in safe hands.

"Speaking Of Canada" by Vincent Massey. Address at the Convocation of the University of British Columbia, May 18, 1954, 1959.

The age which we live in is not suited to idle complacency or to pleasant dreams of past greatness.

"Speaking Of Canada" by Vincent Massey. Address at the Convocation of the University of Manitoba, October 28, 1952, 1959.

It is the University's function to turn out well-balanced persons with an understanding of themselves and of their place in life.

"Speaking Of Canada" by Vincent Massey. Address on the occasion of the Centenary of Trinity College, Toronto, Ontario, April 17, 1952, 1959.

In fact, in the far North one sees the northern lights facing south!

Address to the Annual Dinner of the Canadian Press, Toronto, April 18, 1956.

The neglect of the humanities in present-day education is doubtless not a cause but a symptom of an age.

"Speaking Of Canada" by Vincent Massey. Address at the Centenary Dinner of University College, Toronto, October 16, 1953, 1959.