In practicing the art of parenthood, an ounce of example is worth a ton of preachment.
The art of thinking is the greatest art of all, for 'as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.' The thinker knows he is today where his thoughts have taken him and that he is building his future by the quality of the thoughts he thinks.
The master secret of happiness is to meet the challenge of each new day with the serene faith that: "All things work together for good to them that love God."
There are no secrets of success. Success is doing the things you know you should do. Success is not doing the things you know you should not do.
Believe! Project a mental picture of your goal in life. Believing is a creative force that brings the visible out of the invisible. You must believe to achieve.
Today's world needs change, alteration, renewal, and corrections of errors. It needs new ideas, new approaches, methods, plans, procedures, and new ways of doing things. Maybe you should think of going-literally or symbolically- to a circus today, where you'll see stunts you never dreamed possible. The novelty and originality there may stimulate what you need more of in this life. Have the daring to take a flight for the idea you believe in!
In cathedral or cottage, the art of worship is an inner adventure; it is the personal practice of the presence of God.
We can make these three dynamic words - "reverence for life" - a part of our lives by becoming aware that God is the source of all life and that we are one with life. "The good person," said Schweitzer, "is the friend of all living things."
Great men are little men expanded; great lives are ordinary lives intensified.
Change can be accomplished most of all through the power of prayer, because with God all things are possible.
Release your problem to God with a prayer that the answer will come in its own good time and place. Hold the attitude of faith and expectancy, knowing that God has all the answers, that His knowledge is limitless and can never be exhausted.
You open doors when you open books... doors that swing wide to unlimited horizons of knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration that will enlarge the dimensions of your life.
Forgiveness works the miracle of change.
It is in identifying yourself with the hopes, dreams, fears and longings of others that you may understand them and help them.
In my opinion we can never think of God in big enough terms. He is bigger than our biggest thoughts of Him. Our imaginations cannot stretch wide enough to take in all of God.
"The word which God has written on the brow of every person," wrote Victor Hugo, "is Hope." As long as we have hope no situation is hopeless.
Tolerance is understanding. It is open to new light. Those who are tolerant are always eager to explore viewpoints other than their own.
When a man has reverence for life, he will never do anything to harm, hinder or destroy life. Instead he bends every effort to help life to fulfill its highest destiny. He strives to maintain, enhance and assist life to make the most of itself.
Imagination helps you to recognize the reality of facts, but then to go beyond them, to penetrate beneath them, to rise above them in your search for creative answers to problems. Imagination "stirs up the gift of God in thee." Through your imagination you touch and express the inspiration of the Infinite. Imagination, in the words of Shakespeare, "gives to airy nothing a local habitation and a name." You reach into the heavens to grasp an idea, then you bring it down to earth and make it work.
He who hopes to avoid all failure and misfortune is trying to live in a fairyland; the wise man realistically accepts failures as a part of life and builds a philosophy to meet them and make the most of them. He lives on the principle of 'nothing attempted, nothing gained' and is resolved that if he fails he is going to fail while trying to succeed.
Every forward step achieved by man has been due to the adventurous attitude. This attitude inspires dissatisfaction with the world as it is; it arouses the desire to change and improve things. The attitude of adventure is the flame that lights the fuse to explode new ideas.
He knows that as long as a man keeps his faith in God and in himself nothing can permanently defeat him.
Take a look at those two open hands of yours. They are tools with which to serve, make friends, and reach out for the best in life. Open hands open the way to achievement put them to work today.
Happiness does not depend upon a full pocketbook, but upon a mind full of rich thoughts and a heart full of rich emotions.
The art of love is God at work through you.