William C. Bryant Quotes
Look on this beautiful world, and read the truth in her fair page.
William Cullen Bryant, “The Ages”
"The Death of Lovejoy" by William C. Bryant (November 18, 1837), as quoted in William Cullen Bryant II "Power For Sanity: Selected Editorials of William Cullen Bryant, 1829-61" (p. 78), 1994.
"The Third of November". Poem by William C. Bryant (1861), first published in William C. Bryant "Thirty Poems" (pp. 112-115), 1864.
William Cullen Bryant, “The Death Of The Flowers”
Virtue cannot dwell with slaves, nor reign O'er those who cower to take a tyrant's yoke.
William Cullen Bryant, “The Ages”
William Cullen Bryant, “The Love Of God”
William Cullen Bryant, Thomas G. Voss (1975). “The Letters of William Cullen Bryant: 1865-1871”, p.49, Fordham Univ Press
Pleasantly, between the pelting showers, the sunshine gushes down.
"Thirty poems". Book by William C. Bryant, poem "The Cloud on the Way", line 18, 1864.
William Cullen Bryant, “A Walk At Sunset”
William Cullen Bryant, “March”
And suns grow meek, and the meek suns grow brief, and the year smiles as it draws near its death.
William Cullen Bryant, “October”
William Cullen Bryant, “The Alcayde Of Molina”