I still agree with the invasion of Iraq. I don't agree with most of the decisions that accompanied it.
Elected presidents are for countries.
Britain does not normally these days play a huge part in peacekeeping.
As far as I'm aware, everybody in the shadow cabinet accepts that there's a compelling case on climate change and a strong scientific case.
A generation of children has been betrayed.
Wouldn't it be better to have a watertight law designed to catch the guilty, rather than a press release law designed to catch the headlines?
I have always thought that foreign-policy idealism has to be tempered with realism.
I don't think my principles change. I think the way in which you apply those principles to modern society changes.
For the security of the UK, it matters a lot for Somalia to become a more stable place.
I know people are fickle.
Egypt is a sovereign nation.
You do have to do business with and to try to influence people you don't agree with, or find disagreeable, so it's important to stress that balance.
I don't deny that there are problems in the intelligence world, but I would argue that in the UK we try to uphold the highest standards in the world.
The low carbon economy is at the leading edge of a structural shift now taking place globally...
When you reduce taxes on higher earners it's vital to be reducing them on lower earning people as well so the nation shares in the approach.
Those who back the Syrian regime from now on will find themselves in an even more isolated and indefensible minority.
There is no budget for travel for a Shadow Foreign Secretary.
Someone once claimed I was not really a Yorkshireman!
Remember the No campaign is Conservative people, Labour people, people of no party.
You can see over time whether people are prepared to differ or not.
Time is not on Gaddafi's side. People ask about the exit strategy. It's Colonel Gaddafi who needs an exit strategy because this pressure will only mount and it will be intensified over the coming days and weeks.
To the hard-working people who set a little bit aside each month, to provide for their children, or to fund their own retirement, I say: you should be rewarded not punished.
It's necessary for Israelis and Palestinians to make the compromises that are required to get the direct talks back on track.
Yes, I've never inherited a penny!
The EU is not a country and it's not going to become a country, in my view, now or ever in the future. It is a group of countries working together.