William Lawson Quotes

Gervase Markham, William Lawson (1668). “A Way to Get Wealth: Containing Six Principall Vocations, Or Callings, in which Every Good Husband Or House-wife May Lawfully Imploy Themselves ...”
William Lawson, Simon Harward (1927). “A new orchard & garden: or, The best way for planting, graffing, and to make any ground good for a rich orchard: particularly in the north, and generally for the whole commonwealth, as in nature, reason, situation, and all probability, may and doth appear. With the country house-wifes garden for herbs of common use. Their virtues, seasons, ornaments, variety of knots, models for trees, and plots, for the best ordering of grounds and walks. As also the husbandry of bees, with their several uses and annoyances: all being the experience of forty eight years labour”