William Shakespeare Quotes about Sorrow
Come, and take choice of all my library, And so beguile thy sorrow.
Your cause of sorrow must not be measured by his worth, for then it hath no end.
Gnarling sorrow hath less power to bite The man that mocks at it and sets it light.
Bad is the trade that must play fool to sorrow, Ang'ring itself and others.
Or are you like the painting of a sorrow, a face without a heart?
And sleep, that sometime shuts up sorrow's eye, Steal me awhile from mine own company.
I will instruct my sorrows to be proud; for grief is proud, and makes his owner stoop.
Affliction may one day smile again; and till then, sit thee down, sorrow!.
When you depart from me sorrow abides and happiness takes his leave.
Here I and sorrows sit; Here is my throne, bid kings come bow to it.