Go to the people Live among them Learn from them Love them Serve them Plan with them Start with what they know Build on what they have.
We work with the people not out of pity but out of respect for their potential for growth and development, both as individuals and as communities.
Commitment cannot be taught; it can only be caught. I refer to the crusading spirit. Without the crusading spirit, you may have the starting power but not the staying power.
When we have a new heart, we become new people, and then we have a new society, then we have a new nation.
A worker in the rural reconstruction must have: The body of an athlete The attitude of a teacher The mind of a scientist The heart of a missionary The spirit of a crusader.
Technical know-how of the experts must be transformed into practical do-how of the people.
The people are the foundation of the nation. Our only chance for a lasting peace on earth: the release of the strength of the common man.
When we talk about democracy, if the people's stomach is empty, democracy is also empty. Democracy can not be installed by fiat; it must be achieved by the people themselves.
Relief has its place. But what the people need is not relief, but release - release of their own potential for development.
True independence is not a gift to be received. It can't be a hand-out to people. It must be an achievement by the people.
I must dedicate my life to teaching my people, for only education would make their lot less bitter, their latent power more strong.
Go to the people and live among them in order to know them and learn from them.