With the withering of the rose, and with each fallen petal, Allah is reminding us that everything here is passing away. He is reminding us that nothing in this world will remain, except for Allah.
If you want to focus more on Allah in your prayers, focus more on Him outside your prayers.
Don't get attached to moments. Good or bad, they all pass.
Ya Allah, envelop our hearts with a shield of your light and mercy, so the pain doesn't penetrate.
I'm not here to be on display. And my body is not for public consumption. I will not be reduced to an object, or a pair of legs to sell shoes. I'm a soul, a mind, a servant of God. My worth is defined by the beauty of my soul, my heart, my moral character. So I won't worship your beauty standards, and I don't submit to your fashion sense. My submission is to something higher.
This world isn't perfect. That means it isn't perfectly good; but it isn't perfectly bad, either. The ease comes with the hardship. Shift the focus of what you see, and your experience of this life will change.
Be careful about wanting what others have. There is always a price. Perhaps God didn’t give it to you, because He knew you wouldn’t be able to pay it.
Don't worry about what the people say. Sometimes they'll praise you. Sometimes they'll condemn you. All these things all fade away. And in the end, Allah takes care of everything. Perfectly.
My value as a woman is not measured by the size of my waist or the number of men who like me. My worth as a human being is measured on a higher scale: a scale of righteousness and piety. And my purpose in life-despite what fashion magazines say-is something more sublime than just looking good for men.
What's given to dunya is lost forever. What's given to Allah is never lost. If you give what you love, for the sake of what He loves, you'll have what you love forever.
So often we experience things in life, and yet never see the connections between them. When we are given hardship, or feel pain, we often fail to consider that the experience may be the direct cause or result of another action or experience. Sometimes we fail to recognize the direct connection between the pain in our lives and our relationship with Allah SWT
You put your head on the ground, and in that moment everything was okay.
Before anything can break your heart, it must first own your heart. Stop handing your heart to dunya-it'll stop breaking it.
Keep praying, even if you have only a whisper left.
When you have friends, don’t expect your friends to fill your emptiness. When you get married, don’t expect your spouse to fulfill your every need. When you’re an activist, don’t put your hope in the results. When you’re in trouble don’t depend on yourself. Don’t depend on people. Depend on God.
The people will come and go. Sometimes they'll be there for you. Sometimes they wont. Some will love you, some will not. This tide was never meant to be still. Step away from time to time. And know that only a heart fixed on the unmoving spot can ride the waves of this ever-changing, ever-fading life.
Many years ago, our father Ibrahim (AS) made a choice. He loved his son. But He loved God more. The commandment came to sacrifice his son. But it wasn't his son that was slaughtered. It was his attachment to anything that could compete with his love for God. So let us ask ourselves in these beautiful days of sacrifice, which attachments do we need to slaughter?
As a Muslim woman, I’ve been liberated from a silent kind of bondage. I don’t answer to the slaves of God on earth. I answer to their King.
Seek the ones who never stop caring, who break down your walls, and help you come back to yourself
He chose better for me, He always chooses better
Tear your heart out of your chest. And hand it to God. There is no other healing. I swear, there is no other healing
If you want the love of the people, stop running after it. The more you chase it, the more it escapes you. Love doesn't come from the people. It comes from God.
Your beauty is in your sensitivity. Don't let anyone take it from you
Leaving the people and places you love, is a reminder of the impermanence of this life. And the permanence of the next.
The Dunya is like the ocean and our heart is like the ship. If a ship allows the water to enter, it will sink. Just like when we allow the Dunya to enter our heart.