Many of us rely on our own illusion of control. But when God makes it known to you that you're not the one steering the ship, be thankful. He has removed the illusion, and forced you to rely only on Him.
God tells me to cover myself, to hide my beauty and to tell the world that I’m not here to please men with my body; I’m here to please God. God elevates the dignity of a woman’s body by commanding that it be respected and covered, shown only to the deserving - only to the man I marry.
Sometimes this world comes between us and what we love. But if we are patient, when this world passes away, there will be no more separation.
Oh my heart, there is another way to love. Do not love the gift for what the gift is. Love the gift for Who it came from.
You can’t run in more than one direction at a time. And you will only run in the direction you are facing. So if your heart is facing anything other than Allah, it isn’t Him you’re running towards.
Love isn't supposed to torment you. If it does, there's probably something wrong.
If you think you're too far from Allah to return, and your 'past' continues to own you, just remember that Malik ibn Dinar (RA) was an alcoholic, and Omar (RA) was on his way to assassinate the Prophet (pbuh) before they became two of the greatest souls to walk the earth!
Take care of the hearts of the people, and Allāh will take care of your heart
Oh external worshiper, know that worship without heart is motions. Oh seeker of knowledge, know that knowledge without purification is a dangerous weapon of the ego. Oh activist, know that work without orientation of heart is fruitless. Oh lover, know that love without God is pain.
Let your heart go Home, even before your body arrives.
There are internal chains and external chains. All the external chains in the world won't enslave you, if you are free inside. And all the external 'freedom' in the world won't liberate you, if you are chained inside. Let go. And you'll know Freedom.
My Nafs screams out for what it desires. But my will to be free screams louder.
Times of hardship can act as both an indicator, as well as a cure, for our broken relationship with our Creator.
Sometimes people have nothing to say because they're too empty. And sometimes people have nothing to say because they're too full.
When you're in trouble don't depend on yourself. Don't depend on people. Depend on God.
Resilience is very different than being numb. Resilience means you experience, you feel, you fail, you hurt. You fall. But, you keep going.
Do your part, but stop trying to steer your destiny. You're not in charge.
Loss; is the returning of what never actually belonged to us in the first place.
Study the hurtful patterns of your life. Then don't repeat them.
Allah does not withhold to withhold. Remaking the heart was the objective. To remake it, He sometimes breaks it first.
Time of difficulty test our faith, our fortitude and our strenght. During these times, the level of our imaan becomes manifest
Sometimes we make duaa for a door of dunya. When it doesn't open, we cry. Not realizing that Allah has instead opened a door of jennah for us.
On that Day, we will see the true reality. On that Day, we will realize that two rak`at (units) of prayer were greater than everything in the heavens and the earth. We will realize the priceless check that was left on our doorstep every night as we slept. There will come a day when we would give up everything under the sky just to come back and pray those two rak`at.
Compassion is to look beyond your own pain, to see the pain of others.
When you Rectify your Relationship with the Creator, He Rectifies your relationship with All of the Creation.