Money is a tool that can either fix or damage your life. Use it wisely.
Never accept conventional wisdom when it comes to finance. If others keep failing, why do you want to follow them?
Only idiots get bored when we've all got handheld devices containing infinite knowledge at our fingertips.
The odds will always favor the man with a plan
Make your money on the buy, not the sell; this is true in any investment whether it's real estate, business, or the stock market
I believe the best gift you could ever give a woman is your time.
Earning an education is not the same as gaining a skill set.
Always remember...the stronger your position in life, the more enemies you're gonna have .. while friends come and go.
There's a huge misconception that innovation is mostly about inventing or coming up with cool new things. More often than not, innovation is about figuring out what people really need or want but can't have or afford.
It's not rocket science. Hong Kong has 95% tax compliance, because it's code is only 4 pages long with a 15% flat tax.
Challenge conventional wisdom. There is almost always a better way.
Age is just reality we create for ourselves.
We're taught by repetition but great innovators need to be great at doing the different.
People with higher ratios of positive to negative emotions are more likely to flourish in life.
May my haters live very long to see my continued success and make their lives miserable.
Power doesn't always roar...The art of exerting power is an art used in doses - the more hidden it is the more effective.
There are few problems in the world that economic prosperitycannot help solve. Yet the engines of that prosperity are under fierceattack. The forces that seek power over others have gained the upperhand against those that seek freedom. By harming wealth creation,they cause even more strain on society. Historically, this is nothingnew. State domination over its subjects has roots that connect statism,totalitarianism, communism, and socialism to more modern-day variantsof liberalism and progressivism. It is a constant fight and we mustwin.
History used to be written by the winners. Now it is distorted and distributed by the winners' media.
Successful entrepreneurs figure out when to drive their ideas forward and when to listen to constructive criticism.