
Quotes by 'P' Authors - Page 40

Author About Life Dates
Philip Cunliffe-Lister, 1st Earl of Swinton May 1, 1884 - July 27, 1972
Philip D. Murphy b. 1957
Philip E. Berger Elected official b. August 8, 1952
Philip J. Hanlon Mathematician b. 1955
Philip Khuri Hitti Author 1886 - 1978
Philip Mallory Conley Author 1887 - 1979
Philip Roberts Soccer player b. April 7, 1994
Philip Schuyler Former United States Senator November 20, 1733 - November 18, 1804
Philip Smith Trumpet Player b. 1952
Philip Stubbs 1555 - 1610
Philip Toynbee Writer June 25, 1916 - June 15, 1981
Philip Whalen Poet October 20, 1923 - June 26, 2002
Philippe Dauman Executive b. March 1, 1954
Philippe de Commines Writer 1447 - October 18, 1511
Philippe Pinel Physician April 20, 1745 - October 25, 1826
Philippe Quinault June 3, 1635 - November 26, 1688
Phillip Cary b. June 10, 1958
Phillip Daniels American football player b. March 4, 1973
Phillip Mann Author b. 1942
Phillip Sandifer Musical Artist b. 1959
Philo Farnsworth Inventor August 19, 1906 - March 11, 1971
Phineas F. Bresee December 31, 1838 - November 13, 1915
Phyllis Hyman Singer-songwriter July 6, 1949 - June 30, 1995
Pier Luigi Bersani Italian Politician b. September 29, 1951
Pierce Pettis Songwriter b. 1954
Pierre Clostermann Author February 28, 1921 - March 22, 2006
Pierre Danos b. June 4, 1929
Pierre Deligne Mathematician b. October 3, 1944
Pierre Jean George Cabanis June 5, 1757 - May 5, 1808
Pierre Klossowski Writer August 9, 1905 - August 12, 2001
Pierre Louis Maupertuis Mathematician September 28, 1698 - July 27, 1759
Pierre Victurnien Vergniaud Statesman May 31, 1753 - October 31, 1793
Pinckney Benedict Short story writer b. 1964
Polly Young-Eisendrath Author b. 1947
Pope Agatho June 26, 678 - January 10, 681
Pope Clement XIII March 7, 1693 - February 2, 1769
Pope Martin I June 21, 598 - September 16, 655
Pope Pius V January 17, 1504 - May 1, 1572
Pope Vigilius d. June 7, 555
Porfirio Rubirosa Diplomat January 22, 1909 - July 5, 1965
Porter Gale Marketer
Positive K Songwriter b. August 8, 1967
Prashant Chopra b. October 7, 1992
Preston Brooks Advocate August 5, 1819 - January 27, 1857
Preston Cloud September 26, 1912 - January 16, 1991
Prince William of Hesse-Kassel December 24, 1787 - September 5, 1867
Princess Shikishi Poet 1149 - 1201
Priscilla Welch Olympic athlete b. November 22, 1944
Publius Attius Varus d. March 17, 45 BC
P. C. Hodgell Writer b. March 16, 1951