Puzzles are made of the things that the mathematician, no less than the child, plays with, and dreams and wonders about, for they are made of things and circumstances of the world he [or she] live in.
![Puzzles are made of the things that the mathematician, no less than the child, plays with, and dreams and wonders about, for they are made of things and circumstances of the world he [or she] live in.](http://cdn.quoteddaily.com/images/edward-kasner/puzzles-are-made-of-the-things-that-the-mathematician-no-less-than-the-child-plays-with-and-dreams-and-wonders.jpg)
Puzzles are made of the things that the mathematician, no less than the child, plays with, and dreams and wonders about, for they are made of things and circumstances of the world he [or she] live in.