Others make a point of trying to attain the precision and poise they see in those who have the ability to choose from a great number of horses those with [...] qualities found in only a very small number of horses. This leads to a circumstance in which these imitators of such studied poise mortify the spirit of a noble horse, and remove from it all of the goodness of temperament Nature has given it.
![Others make a point of trying to attain the precision and poise they see in those who have the ability to choose from a great number of horses those with [...] qualities found in only a very small number of horses. This](http://cdn.quoteddaily.com/images/francois-robichon-de-la-gueriniere/others-make-a-point-of-trying-to-attain-the-precision-and-poise-they-see-in-those-who-have-the-ability.jpg)