
The techniques are all means of dealing with one simple idea: She wrote it. (That is, the "wrong" person--in this case, female--has created the "right" value--i.e., art.) Denial of Agency: She didn't write it. Pollution of Agency: She shouldn't have written it. Double Standard of Content: Yes, but look what she wrote about. False Categorizing: She is not really she [an artist] and it is not really it [serious, of the right genre, aesthetically sound, important, etc.] so how could "she" have written "it"? Or simply: Neither "she" nor "it" exists (simple exclusion).

Joanna Russ (1983). “How to Suppress Women's Writing”, p.61, University of Texas Press
The techniques are all means of dealing with one simple idea: She wrote it. (That is, the wrong person--in this case, female--has created the right value--i.e., art.) Denial of Agency: She didn't write it. Pollution of