
Because he is; that is, because he is an infinitely glorious, good, wise, holy, powerful, righteous, self-subsisting , self-sufficient , and all-sufficient being; the fountain and author of all being and good; the first cause, last end, and sovereign Lord of all; therefore, he is to be worshipped: therefore, are we to admire, adore, and love him; to praise, to trust and to fear him.

John Owen (1841). “A Discourse Concerning the Holy Spirit: Wherein an Account is Given of His Name, Nature, Personality, Dispensation, Operations and Effects. Also the Nature and Necessity of Gospel Holiness, and the Difference Between Grace and Morality”, p.39
Because he is; that is, because he is an infinitely glorious, good, wise, holy, powerful, righteous, self-subsisting , self-sufficient , and all-sufficient being; the fountain and author of all being and good; the first