Accord Quotes
"Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth". Book by Hermann Hesse, 1919.
I am for peace. And I am for a negotiated peace. But this accord is not a just peace.
Edward W. Said, Amritjit Singh, Bruce G. Johnson (2004). “Interviews with Edward W. Said”, p.117, Univ. Press of Mississippi
Cicero, Marcus Tullius Cicero, William Armistead Falconer (1923). “Cicero in twenty-nine volumes”
You can plan events, but if they go according to your plan they are not events.
John Berger (1972). “Selected Essays and Articles: The Look of Things”
Peace Pilgrim (1992). “Peace Pilgrim: Her Life and Work in Her Own Words”, p.124, Friends of Peace PIlgrim
John Cage (2010). “Silence: Lectures and Writings”, p.55, Wesleyan University Press
Jerry Bridges (2016). “Trusting God”, p.72, NavPress
Carl Gustav Jung (1973). “Memories, dreams, reflections”, Random House Inc