Accused Quotes

The victor will always be the judge, and the vanquished the accused.
"Nuremberg Diary". Book by Gustave Gilbert, 1995 edition, p. 4, 1947.
I have been accused of being a joker. But the most successful art to me involves humor.
"Man Ray: Photographer". Interview with Philippe Sers, Camera Magazine, 1981.
1636 Letter to Lord Wentworth, 3 Sep.
I have been accused of denying consciousness but I am not conscious of having done so.
W. V. QUINE, Willard Van Orman Quine (1987). “Quiddities”, p.132, Harvard University Press
Marya Mannes (1958). “More in Anger”
"Paul and Joanne: A Biography of Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward". Book by Joe Morella and Edward Z. Epstein, 1988.
1776 Remark, May. Quoted in James Boswell The Life of Samuel Johnson (1791), vol.3.