Acknowledge Quotes - Page 4

Francois duc de La-Rochefoucauld (1828). “Maximes Et Reflexions Morales Traduites en Grec Moderne Par Wladimir Brunet; Avec Une Traduction Anglaise en Regard”, p.195
It is an act of courage to acknowledge our own uncertainty and sit with it for a while.
Harriet Goldhor Lerner (1986). “The dance of anger: a woman's guide to changing the patterns of intimate relationships”, HarperCollins Publishers
Benjamin Whichcote (1753). “Moral and religious aphorisms collected from the manuscript papers of the reverend and learned Doctor Whichcote; and published in 1703, by Dr. Jeffery. Now re-published, with very large additions, ... by Samuel Salter, ... To which are added, Eight letter”, p.75
Lying is the strongest acknowledgement of the force of truth.
William Hazlitt (1859). “Table talk”
Neale Donald Walsch (2004). “The New Revelations: A Conversation with God”, p.14, Simon and Schuster
Neale Donald Walsch (2004). “The New Revelations: A Conversation with God”, p.14, Simon and Schuster
Americans acknowledge that liberty is a gift of God, not an indulgence of government.
Faith in America, delivered 6 December 2007, College Station, TX