Now supposing I had the part of a young woman to give out, one that wanted some excellent acting. If I were to go to the stage for my actress I would have to take a matured woman, one who would act splendidly, but who would look too old for the requirements.
Acting is the most brotherly and sisterly profession in the world.
Insiders say Obama's pretty comfortable around actors. He should be. He has been 'acting' like he was born in Hawaii for a long time.
In LA, too many people want to go the quickest route from A to B. Method acting offers them that.
Well, acting was just in me and I tried to avoid it. I didn't want to do what my parents did, you know?
Acting is all about likability.
For me really good acting is about subtext.
I love movies, I've always been interested in them, but I wanted to wait for the right time to start acting.
Acting is a humiliating job, from start to finish.
I get to meet fantastic people, and I get to go through so many emotions. For me, I have a craving for that. When I'm acting, I feel great. It's not to be famous.
Period films to me are very often alienating to the audience. There's very often a formality. A staunchy quality to them that comes from the misenscene. It also comes from the performances of the actors, because they're acting Victorian which really means that they're just acting the way they've seen previous actors act Victorian.
The money is better in films and television. But in terms of acting, theatre is more rewarding.
You know, I don't support esoteric approaches to acting.
When I was first starting out, if you were acting on television, it was a real stigma.
Acting is like a high wire act. Your margin for error is very slim.
The more that I can work in different mediums, the more I can grow, and learn from different actors and different types of actors and directors and different styles of acting and build a tool box.
Obviously there are times with acting when exactly what is required is just going through the motions, and when doing nothing is the best thing. But at other times, you have to make that leap beyond the immediate environment of people putting up lights on the set.
You're creating a different world and the actor's job is to be able to convince the audience to enter into that world, whether it be actually something that you recognize from your own life or not.
I become a bit of a blank page in public. And that's precisely why I like acting.
I jumped into acting because it was fun. It was tougher when I had to take my fun seriously.
A live performance is the same no matter what genre it is. Wrestling, rock 'n roll, hosting, acting - it's the same thing.
I can’t see myself pursuing acting strictly outside of what I’m contractually obligated to do.
An actor is only merchandise.
In a work capacity I'm only interested in acting and producing
Being at the mercy of the acting profession, in the early days of one's career, is really brutal and feels like you have no control over your life, at all.