
Albums Quotes - Page 22

The first time I really listened to an album and thought, This album is mine, was Kanyes Late Registration.

The first time I really listened to an album and thought, This album is mine, was Kanyes Late Registration.

"Theophilus London On Listening To Kanye In Bed, His New Album And His HuffPost Playlist" by Kia Makarechi, Gazelle Emami, July 19, 2011.

I love touring. But it's super nice to have a new reason to play shows that isn't based around that perennial cycle of album/tour/promotion.

"Ted Leo and Ben Arthur Discuss Carly Simon, Joyce Carl Oates, and the Touring Grind". Interview with Ben Arthur, June 26, 2016.

A letdown is worth a few songs. A heartbreak is worth a few albums.

Interview with Aaron Gell, March 4, 2010.

I think you have to drop an album to truly see the effects of your following.

"Complex's T.I. Cover Story: The Outtakes". Interview with Toshitaka Kondo, August 10, 2010.

It's not really a conscious decision to do a quiet album or a noisier album. It's just something that happens, I guess.

"The Raveonettes". Interview with Stephen M. Deusner, February 5, 2008.