Amount Quotes - Page 2

A man, at times, gets something for nothing, but it will, in his hands, amount to nothing.
Frederick Douglass (2016). “The Essential Douglass: Selected Writings and Speeches”, p.339, Hackett Publishing
Langston Hughes (2001). “The Collected Works of Langston Hughes: The poems, 1941-1950”, p.223, University of Missouri Press
Ludwig van Beethoven (1985). “The letters of Beethoven”
Langston Hughes (2011). “Selected Poems of Langston Hughes”, p.270, Vintage
happiness aint got no Ph.D. or no certain amount of zeroes behind it!
Terry McMillan (2002). “A Day Late and a Dollar Short”, p.222, Penguin
Henry Van Dyke (2009). “Joy & Power: Three Messages with One Meaning”, p.51, The Floating Press
Boris Sidis (1907). “Studies in Psychopathology”
The history of learning amounts to a history of specialization.
Beryl Smalley (1975). “Historians in the Middle Ages”
There is a great amount of poetry in unconscious fastidiousness.
Marianne Moore (1994). “Complete Poems”, p.38, Penguin