
Application Quotes - Page 2

Well Web services are nothing more than a way for users to interact with applications.

Well Web services are nothing more than a way for users to interact with applications.

"Interview: Symantec's John Thompson talks about big picture security". Interview with Ed Scannell, June 16, 2004.

The virtue of a human being is the application of his capacity to the general good.

William Godwin (1793). “An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice: And Its Influence on General Virtue and Happiness”, p.309

Algebra applies to the clouds.

Victor Hugo (1862). “Saint Denis”, p.41

someone was telling me that no more applications were being accepted for the position of God.

Jan Burke (2002). “Sweet Dreams, Irene: An Irene Kelly Novel”, p.147, Simon and Schuster

You can be an Olympic champion in 9.5 secs, but to be the greatest, there's more to it. It takes a bit of forethought and a lot of mental application.

"Don't go nuts, Bolt: Daley Thompson says sprint ace must get head in order" by Alex Spink, July 13, 2012.

Knowledge has no value except that which can be gained from its application toward some worthy end.

Napoleon Hill (2015). “Think and grow rich: Brazilian edition”, p.68, CDG Edições e Publicações LTDA

Nothing can be more puritanical in application than the virtues.

Muriel Spark (2011). “Curriculum Vitae: A Volume of Autobiography”, p.45, New Directions Publishing

What signs fail to express, their application shows. What signs slur over, their application says clearly.

Ludwig Wittgenstein, David Francis Pears, Brian McGuinness (2001). “Tractatus Logico-philosophicus”, p.16, Psychology Press

There cannot be a greater mistake than that of looking superciliously upon practical applications of science. The life and soul of science is its practical application.

Lecture on "Electrical Units of Measurement" (3 May 1883) in "The Life of Lord Kelvin" by Silvanus Phillips Thompson, 1910.

General rules are dangerous of application in particular instances.

Charlotte Mary Yonge (1873). “The Pillars of the House, Or Under Wode, Under Rode”, p.268