Word Of God Quotes

Let no day slip over without some comfort received from the mouth of God.
"Writings of the Rev. John Knox: Minister of God's Word in Scotland".
Billy Sunday, William Thomas Ellis (1917). “Billy Sunday, the Man and His Message: With His Own Words which Have Won Thousands for Christ”
Whatever contradicts the Word of God should be instantly resisted as diabolical.
John Bunyan, George Burder (1821). “The Holy War Made by King Shaddai Upon Diabolus, for the Regaining of the Metropolis of the World, Or The Losing and Taking Again of the Town of Mansoul”, p.13
The more reverence we have for the Word of God, the more joy we shall find in it.
Matthew Henry, Leslie F. Church (1992). “The NIV Matthew Henry Commentary in One Volume: Based on the Broad Oak Edition”, p.3310, Harper Collins
Henry Blackaby, Tom Blackaby (1999). “The Man God Uses”, p.83, B&H Publishing Group
The Word of God became man, that thou mayest learn from man how man may become God.
Clement of Alexandria (2012). “Exhortation to the Heathen”, p.329, OrthodoxEbooks
Vance Havner (0101). “It is Time”, p.60, Solid Christian Books
Jack W. Hayford (1992). “The Heart of Praise: Daily Ways to Worship the Father with Psalms”