
Arguing Quotes - Page 3

When we reach the outer limit of what Scripture says, it is time to stop arguing and start worshipping.

J. I. Packer (2000). “In God's Presence: Daily Devotions with J.I. Packer”, Shaw

Men argue. Nature acts.

Voltaire (2015). “Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary”, p.462, Voltaire

Bullies are masters at holding others responsible for their misbehavior. Instead of claiming "the devil made me do it", they argue "You made me do it".

Sam Horn (2003). “Take the Bully by the Horns: Stop Unethical, Uncooperative, or Unpleasant People from Running and Ruining Your Life”, p.187, Macmillan

I think you are wrong, Basil, but I won't argue with you. It is only the intellectually lost who ever argue.

Oscar Wilde (1997). “Collected Works of Oscar Wilde: The Plays, the Poems, the Stories and the Essays Including De Profundis”, p.12, Wordsworth Editions

Belief cannot argue with unbelief, it can only preach to it.

"A weapon for liberation, and oppression" by Tim Skellett, January 21, 2011.

I am not arguing with you - I am telling you.

James M. Whistler (2012). “The Gentle Art of Making Enemies”, p.57, Courier Corporation