Art Quotes - Page 238
"Gore Vidal and the Mind of the Terrorist". Interview with Ramona Koval, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Radio National, November 2001.
The Lord's Prayer may be committed to memory quickly, but it is slowly learnt by heart.
Frederick Denison Maurice (1849). “The Lord's Prayer: Nine Sermons Preached in the Chapel of Lincoln's Inn in the Months of February, March, and April”, p.1
Frank Auerbach, Hayward Gallery, Fruit Market Gallery, Arts Council of Great Britain (1978). “Frank Auerbach: catalogue of an exhibtion held at the Hayward Gallery, London, 4 May - 2 July 1978, Fruit Market Gallery, Edinburgh, 15 July 12 August, 1978”
Fleur Adcock (2000). “Poems 1960-2000”, Bloodaxe Books Limited
No force, no torture, no intrigue can eradicate Marxism-Leninism from the minds and hearts of men.
Enver Hoxha (1980). “Eurocommunism is anti-communism”, Natl Pubns Centre
Dick Gregory (1972). “Dick Gregory's political primer”