Artist Quotes - Page 29

I am also an artist. I have the whole world as my canvas. I paint souls.
Meher Baba (1972). “The Answer: Conversations with Meher Baba”
Frank Lloyd Wright, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer (1992). “Frank Lloyd Wright Collected Writings: 1939-1949”, Rizzoli Intl Pubns
Wyndham Lewis (1989). “The Essential Wyndham Lewis: An Introduction to His Work”, Andre Deutsch Limited
Vincent van Gogh, Dorothee Hansen, Lawrence W. Nichols, Judy Sund, Kunsthalle Bremen (2003). “Van Gogh: fields”
No poet, no artist of any art, has his complete meaning alone.
T.S. Eliot (2010). “The Waste Land and Other Poems”, p.85, Broadview Press
Sol LeWitt (1995). “Sol Lewitt: critical texts”, Power House Books