
Association Quotes - Page 2

No memory is ever alone; it's at the end of a trail of memories, a dozen trails that each have their own associations.

Louis L'Amour (2014). “The Sacketts Volume One 5-Book Bundle: Sackett's Land, To the Far Blue Mountains, The Warrior's Path, Jubal Sackett, Ride the River”, p.937, Bantam

I’m actually an equestrian, and I showed in the American Paint Horse Association and competed for top 20 in the nation.

"Kate Upton on Riding Horses, Weeding Out Lesser Men, and Talking Trash". Interview with Stelios Phili, April 27, 2012.

Association with human beings lures one into self-observation.

Franz Kafka (1954). “Wedding preparations in the country: and other posthumous prose writings. With notes by Max Brod”

There are hundreds of credible reports, many with multiple witnesses, of humanoids in association with landed spacecraft.

Steven M. Greer (1999). “Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications”, Crossing Point Incorporated