Our differences in beliefs do not truly separate us, or elevate us over others. Rather, they highlight the rich tapestry that is humanity.
If you have to make laws to hurt a group of people just to prove your morals and faith, then you have no true morals or faith to prove.
The only thing worse than human ignorance is human pride in that ignorance.
Social media is like ancient Egypt: writing things on walls and worshiping cats.
We should indeed keep calm in the face of difference, and live our lives in a state of inclusion and wonder at the diversity of humanity.
It’s really hard to hate someone for being different when you’re too busy laughing together.
The starship Enterprise was a metaphor starship Earth, and the vision was that the strength of this starship lay in its diversity.
Life is too short not to order the bacon dessert.
I myself am a Buddhist, not a Christian. But I cannot help but think that if Christ ran a public establishment, it would be open to all, and He would be the last to refuse service to anyone. It is, simply put, the most un-Christian of notions.
We must remind ourselves that an assault on any one of our liberties and freedoms is an assault on all.
You know, when a man is raped you never hear about what he was wearing.
Pioneering is never done in front of cheerleaders urging on a roaring grandstand of popular approval.
Nothing is what it seems on the surface of Heroes.
I'm a preservationist, I believe in preserving history intact, but I also enjoy the technological advances which have been made.
And it seems to me important for a country, for a nation to certainly know about its glorious achievements but also to know where its ideals failed, in order to keep that from happening again.
Confidence in the human capacity for problem solving, for invention, for innovation.
This is supposed to be a participatory democracy and if we're not in there participating then the people that will manipulate and exploit the system will step in there.
I had a really unusual, remarkably unusual father because he, in our family, was the one that suffered the most. He was the one that explained American democracy to me. He said, ‘Our democracy is a people’s democracy and it can be as great as people can be, and it can be great… but we are also fallible human beings.’
Good grief. If we can’t laugh at ourselves, and at one another, in good spirit and without malice, then what fun can be left? If we must withhold all ribbing in the name of protecting everyone’s feelings, then we truly are a toothless society. We will reach what I call “the lowest common denominator of butthurt.
People forget that stereotypes aren’t bad because they are always untrue. Stereotypes are bad because they are not always true. If we allow ourselves to judge another based on a stereotype, we have allowed a gross generalization to replace our own thinking.
Do your duty as an American, and as a citizen of the galaxy... Vote!
I think we learn more from those times in our history where we stumbled as a democracy than we learn from the glorious chapters.
We have the history of slavery or inequality to women, and now the civil rights movement of the 21st century is the struggle for equality for the gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people. And I think it's important for Americans to know about the times that we failed.
I spent my boyhood behind the barbed wire fences of American internment camps and that part of my life is something that I wanted to share with more people.
Facebook itself has an interest in having great content so that its users keep coming back.