Christmas is a good time to take stock of our blessings.
May Allah guide us to the good of the kingdom of Bahrain and its loyal people.
There is no ethnic cleansing in Bahrain, no mass genocide, no policy of killing innocent people.
At least with [Hillary] Clinton, you know, there was some degree of transparency. There was some sense of what's going on here, and a lot to be very alarmed about, whether it's the - you know, the Prince Bandar and, you know, the princes of Saudi Arabia, or Bahrain, or the Russians that she enabled to acquire 20 percent of our uranium supply. I mean, really outrageous stuff. The arms deals, et., a lot of grave concern.
Bahrain 's margin of freedom is growing day after day as we head into the future with steady steps.
Some socialist movements in Egypt, Tunisia and Bahrain, for instance, were genuine. I was making films about the so-called Arab Spring, and I'm well aware of how complex the situation really was. But it goes without saying is that the West immediately infiltrated and 'derailed' the revolutions, turning them into what you have described.