Blood Quotes - Page 2

The blood of heroes is closer to the Lord than the ink of scholars and the prayers of the pious.
Julius Evola (2011). “Metaphysics of War”, p.43, Arktos
Dale Carnegie (2010). “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”, p.187, Simon and Schuster
Saint Ignatius (of Loyola) (1951). “The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius: A New Translation Based on Studies in the Language of the Autograph”
Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, Donna Lee Toney (2011). “Billy Graham in Quotes”, Thomas Nelson Inc
"Perry Says He Believes Non-Christians Will Go to Hell; Rivals Pounce". Dallas Morning News, November 06, 2006.
Speech at Annual Meeting of West Midlands Area Conservative Political Centre, Birmingham, 20 April 1968, in 'Observer' 21 April 1968
John Brown (1910). “The Life and Letters of John Brown, Liberator of Kansas and Martyr of Virginia”
Edwin Arnold (2016). “The Light of Asia, or the Great Renunciation (Mahâbhinishkramana): Being the Life and Teaching of Gautama, Prince of India and Founder of Buddhism (as Told in Verse by an Indian Buddhist)”, p.79, Routledge